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Cleaning House

After Jesus had spoken, a Pharisee invited him to dine at his home. He entered and reclined at table to eat. The Pharisee was amazed to see that He did not observe the prescribed washing before the meal. The Lord said to him, “Oh you Pharisees! Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You fools! Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside? But as to what is within, give alms, and behold everything will be made clean. Luke 11: 37-41

In this scripture passage, Jesus doesn’t hesitate in the least to call the Pharisees fools. Jesus points out to them that cleaning rituals of cups and dishes does them no good when evil is in their heart. He knows that the Pharisees care more about appearing to be holy than actually being holy. He knows that they are filled with self-righteousness, pride, and judgment. But Jesus invites them to change their hearts beginning with giving alms and when they change their hearts they will be cleansed.

Change is difficult! I don't know about you but often I resist change. It makes me feel uncertain about what is coming. I feel like I have no control over the situation and that is uncomfortable. It pushes me into chaos before the change comes and I feel at ease again.

Jesus is asking the Pharisee to look inside his heart and recognize the evil there, his pride, judgment, and selfishness. Jesus is asking you and me to do the same thing so that we can change our hearts to love.

It’s like spring cleaning my house. There is chaos and messiness before it gets cleaned. Everything must first be turned upside down. I move the furniture to clean the dirt on the floors. I empty the cabinets and the drawers. I take everything out and throw away what is not good or no longer needed. I examine what is good to keep before I can organize the contents of the cabinet. I wash the windows, move everything, and wipe down counters. Sometimes I even rearrange the furniture. Cleaning is a messy job and yet once it’s completed, it feels so good to stand back and look at all that has changed.

Jesus is asking us to change our hearts and like spring cleaning the house, we must examine ourselves carefully. We need to look at what is not good and throw it away, so to speak. We may have to let go of the anger, our unforgiveness, and our selfishness. We have to let go of our envy, our judgments, and our condemnation. It will be chaotic, messy, and uncomfortable to change our hearts to hearts that love. With Jesus' help, under careful examination, we can throw away what is not good in us, our vices, and replace it with what is good, our virtues.

Interesting that Jesus gives us a way to be cleansed. He says to give alms. At first, I thought it was odd, but after reflecting, I realized that when I give away my money and possessions to others, it frees me up and opens my heart to love. I know that when I give to others, I have more joy than when I receive a gift. So, giving frees me up to receive love and become more charitable. Jesus knows that is the recipe for changing our hearts. When we do this, then like our cleaning house, we can stand back and admire the changes we’ve made within ourselves.

Today, let us ask Jesus to show us what needs to be thrown out of our hearts. Let us ask Him to give us the courage to truly examine our hearts, feelings, and motives. Let us be willing to enter the chaos of change and learn to love.


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"Written from the heart,

Inspired by the Soul"

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