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Childlike Faith


On one occasion, Jesus spoke thus: “Father, Lord of heaven and earth, to You I offer praise; for what You have hidden from the learned and the wise you have revealed them to the childlike.” Matthew 11:25.

Childlike. That’s how we are to approach God in order for Him to reveal His love, His will, and His mysteries to us. In this scripture reading, Jesus praises the Father for revealing to the childlike what He has hidden from the wise. Jesus is not saying that being wise and learned is bad. However, He is saying that it’s difficult for them to understand God’s plan of salvation and love for us.

Sometimes the wise scoff at those who just simply believe. They have difficulty understanding how some people can simply accept and believe God’s message at face value. The learned and wise often make believing very complicated. They must examine all aspects of God’s message of love and salvation before they can accept it and believe. Yet this intense examination is often the very thing that leads them away from believing. In 1st Thessalonians 5: 21, St. Paul tells us “Test everything; retain what is good.” So, it is required that we discern. We must ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what is true and what is good. We must be careful that we don’t harden our hearts so that we don’t believe when we hear the truth.

Someone once told me that the greatest obstacle to faith in God is 18 inches, the distance between the head to the heart. Faith and trust are matters of the heart. Being childlike does not mean being foolish or immature. Being childlike means asking questions to the Father and then trusting what the Father tells us is the truth so we believe. We look to the Bible, the Word of God, to know the Father’s instructions and plan of salvation.

As a little child growing up in South Florida, we built a pool in the backyard of our house. I can remember standing on the side of the pool and being scared to jump in. My father got in the pool and said, “Go ahead and jump. I will catch you.” I completely trusted my father that he would catch me and so I jumped. I didn’t question whether he would move away when I jumped. I didn’t question or worry that he would miss me, and that I would sink or drown. I just closed my eyes, jumped, and trusted his word.

God the Father wants us to trust Him the same way I trusted my dad. He gives us the path of salvation through His Son, Jesus, and wants us to trust Him and believe. Today, let us ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of discernment and childlike faith.

© 2023 Kendall Berry Lasseigne


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