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Updated: Jun 14, 2024

He was in the world, and the world came to be through Him, but the world did not know Him.  He came to what was his own, but His own people* did not accept Him.  But to those who did accept Him, He gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God.  John 1: 10-13

I spent last week at a Catholic retreat center located just outside St. Augustine, Florida.  The retreat grounds were large and encompassed several buildings, a church, and a children’s camp. 

As usual, I woke up early the first morning to jog, pray, and enjoy the transition of silence to life awakening with the birds singing.  On my second lap as the sun began to rise, I passed a sign on the grounds that had an arrow pointing straight, and above the arrow were the words, “CAMP I AM SPECIAL.”  It caught my attention so at breakfast I found one of the retreat directors to inquire about the camp.

She informed me that the diocese had opened a camp for special needs children.  Their focus was to offer activities that the children could participate in physically and also teach the children about God’s love for them.

Through the week, every time I passed the sign during my morning run, I would thank God for the camp.  I prayed His love touched the children’s hearts so they would know how truly special they were in God’s eyes.

Little did I realize that the sign was also meant for me!

Throughout the week, the retreat focused on healing in body, mind, and spirit.  We spent a great deal of time looking at how our self-identity is wrapped up in something other than being a child of God.  They explained that self-identity can be tied to our profession, career, or what we do rather than who we are.   We often define ourselves by our looks, our acceptance by others, and the list goes on.   We were encouraged to pray for healing from these false identities.  To also pray that we see ourselves through God’s eyes as His beloved child.   

On the second to last night, as my prayer partners prayed with me, I had an overwhelming experience of healing, of letting go of how I defined my identity.  I was able to let God show me a deeper understanding of how I am His beloved daughter. The next morning as I was jogging and passing the CAMP I AM SPECIAL sign, I had a deeper profound realization that I am part of that camp; that I belong to the camp of I AM SPECIAL. In God’s eyes, I have always been special and will always be special to Him.  It brought me so much joy that morning and each morning since.  God reached down deeply into my heart to show me my true identity.  He showed me that everyone else is also a child of God and to strive to see them that way, through His eyes.

As we closed the retreat, the director gave us some sage advice.  She said if we don’t see Christ in others, then let others see Christ in us because we are a child of God.

Today let us let go of all the false ways that we let the world define us.  Let us recognize that we are all a child of God.  Let us completely embrace that we are all a part of the CAMP I AM SPECIAL.



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"Written from the heart,

Inspired by the Soul"

I invite you to spend time with God in your own "Inner Room."

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